My bubble print diy was featured in the German magazine Eigenwerk! This issue is all about paper and it is filled with a lot of diy projects.
Another project of mine was featured here. It' s my 5-min cushion cover print-project.
I printed a cushion cover for my sister this weekend. Very simpel, just dots in 2 different sizes and colours:
To give it a personal touch I made the most simpel label and sewed it in. It's just a piece of white cotten , folded and printed with an E (for Elena). I used a wooden rubber stamp for it:
This is another cushion cover I printed and sewed last weekend:
That's it for now! Sun is shining, it' s a wonderful day! I saw the first cranes coming back from the south this morning! It made me so happy :)
Have a nice day!
2 Kommentare:
I really like this bubble print! I had tried it once with soap bubbles, but that didn't work out so well... hopefully I get it this time :)
Vielen Dank!
Ist auch ganz einfach! Ich habe die handelsübliche Seifenblasen-
flüssigkeit und Gouache benutzt. Nicht zuviel Farbe, sonst platzen die Blasen sofort :)
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